Note: To access any of these items just type "/inventory" when in a Clans server. Builder Box:
The Builder's Box essentially transforms blocks/items in your inventory into other ones. It's used as a way to gain access to specific blocks that you might not be able to get depending on the current map for that season. For instance, if no Mesa biome spawns you would have no way of getting hardened clay for a build but the Builder's Box allows you to transform stone into a clay variant.
Stone -> Random Stained Clay
Glass/Glass Pane -> Random Stained Glass/Glass Pane
Jack o Lantern -> Glowstone
Stone Brick -> Chiseled/Mossy Stone Brick
White Wool -> Random Colored Wool
White Carpet -> Random Colored Carpet
Cobblestone Wall -> Mossy Cobblestone Wall
Flower (not Dandelion) -> Random Flower
Be sure to fill up your entire inventory, even if you don't think you will need that much of an item. For instance, if you are looking for a specific color of glass it would be best to fill up your entire inventory before converting so you have a higher chance to get what you want. Doesn't convert grass/ferns or tall flowers.
Dye Box:
The Dye Box upon activation will fill your inventory with 32 randomly colored dye.
Gilded Dye Box:
The Gilded Dye Box upon activation will fill your inventory with 64 randomly colored dye.
Tips for Dye Boxes:
The dye can be used for glass, wool (sheep too), assassin gear (leather armor), and clay. There are 16 possible dye colors: Red, Pink, Magenta, Purple, Light Blue, Cyan, Blue, Green, Lime, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Black, Gray, Light Gray, White.
Supply Drop:
Takes two minutes to land and drops around 7 items. Besides purchasing them, regular supply drops can be obtained via the Immortal rank monthly subscription bonus. Thank you to Crazay for pointing this out to me.
Gilded Supply Drop:
Takes three minutes to land and drops around 9 items.
Tips for Supply Drops:
Supply drops spawn in the center of fields, (signaled by a beacon), and are announced to the entirety of your Clans server so be prepared to defend it! There is no difference in the announcement of regular and gilded supply drops, so if you are trying to snag one but aren't sure if it's worth the risk know there is the possibility of legendary drops with gilded drops.
Possible Drops:
- Rares
- Runes
- Red - Weapons
- Blue - Bows
- Green - Armor
- Gold Tokens
- Rune Pickaxes
- Mounts
- Legendaries (Gilded only? I've never seen them drop from regular supply drops)
Rune Amps:
Spawns a portal in West/East shops to the Nether where you can farm Undead Warriors, Ghasts, and Undead Archers for ores and runes. Rune amps can come in two variants: 20 minutes and an hour. Most people have 20-minute rune amps as you can find them in Thankful Treasures. Rune Amps (seem) to have a higher chance of dropping runes but this has not been confirmed / the percentages for drops are not released. Note: These are announced to the entire clans server and other people will try to clean you for your drops. Possible Drops:
- Ores
- Iron
- Gold
- Diamond
- Leather
- Runes
- Red - Weapons
- Blue - Bows
- Green - Armor
- Random Armor Piece
Allow you to design and wear a clan banner on your head. Your clan's leader will need the Leader Banner Editor purchased in order to design it, or if someone in your clan you trust has it you could give them leadership to design it and then hand leadership back to the original person (Be sure you trust that person before handing them leadership of your clan!). Iron Wizard / Skeleton King Summoning Tokens:
These are probably the most purchased items from the shop because they are extremely good for getting items. Not only do you get to fight a boss for a potential Legendary drop but if you were to purchase two of these you could then do a raid and get an even higher chance for Legendaries. I would definitely recommend these over supply drops.
Mount Skins:
Mount skins are purely cosmetic and allow you to change the look of your mount. Know that if you have a vanilla donkey mount (gold horse armor) you will not be able to use a mount skin on it. This is a bug and will most likely get patched in due time. There are certain mount skins that do give you a clear advantage over others: Cow, Sheep, Rainbow Sheep, Cake, Power Melon all have smaller hitboxes than normal and allow you to perform a fully charged jump by tapping spacebar (you don't need to charge it).
GENERAL WARNING: If you were to purchase any of these items and then proceed to chargeback (refund your money) you would receive a server-wide Network Ban. If you see something in your inventory that you did not purchase ask an admin to remove it as if you were to use it and then someone charged back you would receive the ban even if you didn't purchase it.
Be sure to reply to this thread if you notice anything I missed or if there is something I need to fix/edit. Thanks!
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